The bit is the basis of IT
Our information technology is based on the bit. Everything that happens in our computers is based on this smallest basic element of information. If someone asks you what a single bit means, you may well answer that the bit can assume two states, of which one means 0 and the other means 1. As is generally known, this enables us to write numbers of any size; all we have to do is to line up a sufficient number of bits.
But is this really true? Does the one state in the bit really mean 0 and the other 1? Can these two states not also assume completely different meanings?
A bit can be attributed arbitrary meanings
In fact, the two states of the bit can assume any meaning. Besides 0/1, true/false, yes/no and positive/negative are also popular; but in principle and in practice, a bit can be attributed any meanings from the outside. Of course, inversions are also possible, i.e. 0/1 and 1/0.
The attribution of the meaning of the bit comes from the outside
Whether the specific bit in the computer programme means 0/1 or 1/0 or something else, does of course play a crucial part. However, the meaning is not in the bit itself, for the bit is a most radical abstraction. It only says that two states exist and which is currently active. What the two mean, however, is a completely different story, which goes far beyond the single bit. In a computer program, it can be declared, for instance, that the bit corresponds to the TRUE/FALSE pair of values; but the same bit, together with another bit, can also be interpreted as part of a number or a letter code – very different meanings, then, depending on the program context.
Digital and analogue context
The software program is the digital context, and of course it consists of further bits. The bits from the surroundings can be used to determine the meaning of a bit. Let’s assume that our bit and other bits are involved in defining the letter ‘f’. Our program is also organised in such a manner that this letter will appear in a table, in a column which is headed ‘Gender’. All this is clearly set out in the software. Now, does the software determine the meaning of the bit? You will doubtless not be surprised if the ‘f’ means ‘female” and the table probably lists various people who can be male (m) or female (f). But what do male and female mean? It is only in the analogue world that these expressions receive a meaning.
The bit, the perfect abstraction
In fact, the bit represents the final point of a radical abstraction of information. In a single bit, information is reduced to what is absolutely elementary in that the information about the meaning has been completely removed from the bit. The bit merely says that two states exist that have been described outside it and which of the two is active at a specific point in time.
This radical abstraction is intentional and makes a great deal of sense in a software, for in this way, the same physical bit in the chip of the computer can be put to a new use again and again, once as a TRUE/FALSE pair, once as 0/1, once as YES/NO, etc. This is very practical and enables the computer to solve any task whatsoever. The perfect abstraction that has thus been achieved, however, simultaneously deprives the single bit of its individual meaning, which can and must be attributed to it anew for every application.
The endless regress
When the meaning of the bit is given from the outside, then of course other bits can take on this task and define the meaning of a bit. For this purpose, however, these outside bits must have the necessary effective power, which of course they cannot have without their own meaning. And naturally, the meanings of the bits of this outer circle are not in these bits themselves – for the same reason as above – but have to be given from the outside, i.e. by a further circle of bits. The bits of this second outer circle must be explained in a further circle, and the meanings of the bits of this further circle in another outer circle… Of course this process of attributing meanings never reaches an end in a world of bits: the regress is endless.
The endless regress only ends in the analogue world
Only when we step out of the program into the real world are we really able to attribute a meaning to the information from the computer.
Selective and descriptive information content
If we recapitulate the above, we can make the following distinction in the bit:
The descriptive information content says what the bit means; it describes the two states of the bit but does not say which state has currently been selected. The selective information content says which of the two states is currently active but does not know anything about the properties of the two states and thus about their individual meanings.
The distinction between the selective and descriptive information content was coined by the British radar pioneer and information scientist Donald McKay in the 1940s, practically at the same time as the first mention and description of the classic bit by the American Shannon. McKay also clearly recognised that Shannon’s bit only carries a selective information content and that the descriptive information content must be given from the outside.
Surprisingly, this insight of McKay’s has almost fallen into oblivion today.
- The bit supplies the selective information content.
- The descriptive information content is not located in the bit.
- Thus the bit on its own does not have any meaning.
- The meaning of the bit is always given from the outside.
- This initiates an endless regress.
- Only in the analogue world does the endless regress end.