
What is logic for?

Is logic about thinking? I used to think so, believing that logic was something like the ‘doctrine of thinking’, or even the ‘doctrine of correct thinking’. A closer look, however, reveals that what we call logic, and the field of study that goes by this name, is about proving rather than thinking. Classical logic is in fact the science of the proof.

But there’s a lot more to thinking than proving. If you want to proof something, first you have to find the proofs. Then you have to assess these proofs in context – a context that can change. And what do you do about contradictions? I believe it is the job of logic to investigate the question of how we think in a more general sense. It should be more than just a science of proof. But how do we arrive at such an extended version of logic?

The decisive step for me was the realisation that there are two types of logic: one static and one dynamic. Only when we dare to leave the safe garden of static logic can we begin to examine real thinking.

Classical logic = logostatics

Classical logic shaped Western intellectual life for more than two millennia – from the syllogisms of Aristotle to the scholasticism of the Middle Ages including the teachings of Thomas Aquinas, to the first order logic (FOL) of mathematicians, which represents the widely accepted state of the art today. These systems of logic are truly static. Every statement within them has a generally valid, absolute truth value; the statement is either true or false – and that must not change. In other words: the logical building is static. Mathematicians call such logic monotonic.


Although contradictions cannot be tolerated in a classical system of logic, in a dynamic one they make up crucial elements in the network of statements. It’s the same in our own minds, where contradictions are nothing more than starting points for our thinking. Finally, contradictions, e.g. observations that are incompatible with one another, force us to take a closer look. If statements are contradictory, it makes us want to reflect on where the truth lies. Contradictions, forbidden in classical logic, are actually the starting point for thinking in dynamic logic. Just as in physics, where an electric voltage supplies the energy that allows current to flow, in logic a contradiction provides the tension that drives us to carry on thinking.

But continuing to think also means always being open to completely new statements. This is another way that logodynamics differs from classical logic. The classical system first defines its ‘world’, i.e. all the elements that may be used subsequently, or indeed at all. The system must be closed. Classical logic requires a clear demarcation (definition) of the world of a system of statements (both true and false) before any conclusions can be drawn in this closed world of statements. By contrast, our thinking is by no means closed. We can always include new objects, test new differentiations for known objects, find new reasons and re-evaluate existing ones. In other words: we can learn. Therefore, a system of logic that approximates the way people think must always be open.

In a classical system of logic, time does not exist. Everything that is true is always true. The situation is very different in a logodynamic system. What is considered true today may be recognised as an error tomorrow. Without this possibility there is no learning. The logodynamic system recognises time as a necessary and internal element.  This fundamentally changes the logical mechanism, the ‘basic switch’ of logic, namely the IF-THEN. The IF-THEN of dynamic logic always has a time element to it – the IF always comes before the THEN. A static system could, at most, recognise time as an object for consideration, along the lines of one of its variables, but not as something that plays a role in its own functioning.

Thus, a logodynamic system has the following three properties that differentiate it from a logostatic one:

  1. Non-monotony: contradictions in the system are allowed.
  2. Openness: new elements can appear in the system at any time.
  3. System-internal time: time passes between IF and THEN.

(Translation: R. Waddington)

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